Hand-Picked & Roasted PNG Coffee
Our coffee is grown predominantly by small subsistent farming communities on family-owned plots. All our beans are picked, pulped and fermented by hand and dried naturally under the PNG sun in pristine weather conditions. With its chocolaty, tropical and citrusy flavour and a low to moderate acidity, you will love every cup of it.
Cairns Commercial Coffee Machines
Come in and browse our new and improved show room, stocking a wide range of domestic and commercial machines and accessories.
We have all the equipment you need to get your cafe or restaurant up and running with packages to suit all budgets. We offer many varieties of Lavazza blends as well as our own premium Impress coffee blend.
Cairns Coffee Machine Servicing
We service all domestic and commercial machines in our state-of-the-art workshop. Our small team of technicians can diagnose and repair all makes and models of major coffee machines.
Our mobile technician service means we have the capability to come to your cafe or restaurant to provide maintenance and repairs on your machines.